AI Content Curation

AIMI can strategically create posts from your favorite blogs, YouTube, podcast channels, or any valid RSS/XML feed.



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Sharing fantastic content around your business to educate your audience can be a time-consuming task.

Let AIMI do it.

Our Articles feature allows AIMI to add articles around your industry to share in your calendar. Based on your industry, she automatically adds feeds which you can control. You also have the option to add custom feeds from your blog, any YouTube channel, Podcast channel, or from any valid RSS/XML feed.

When AIMI auto-builds your calendar on the 1st of the month, she will grab articles from your “Article Library” and add them as posts strategically in your calendar for you to schedule.

How it works.

Article Library

Every 24hrs we pull in all the new articles from your feeds. You can at any time remove or add articles to schedule in your calendar.

Feed Management

Manage which feeds are turned on or off. You can add custom RSS/XML feeds at any time.


We give you a place to see all articles currently scheduled or published on your social channels.


Adjust the settings around the time frames and frequency of articles AIMI adds to your calendar every month.

Ready to dive in?


How do we compare?

Download our one-sheet to see how we compare to other options available to you.

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